Real People – Grief

A Struggle with Low Grade Depression and Fatigue

Jessica struggled with low-grade depression and fatigue. She also suffered from shin pain and eye issues. She was 32 years old and had recently suffered a miscarriage—when she came in she wanted to talk through the grief. After an initial evaluation I decided to refer her to my Lyme Literate practitioner in order to be tested for Lyme and co-infections. To her surprise, it was confirmed that she had bartonella, a coinfection of Lyme, which likely contributed to her miscarriage. Once treated, there were clear improvements to her symptoms and she was able to carry a healthy baby to full term.

Real People. Real Struggles.

Lyme is uniquely and particularly challenging because it has a tendency to isolate the patient, leaving them misunderstood by others. The symptoms and struggles are real, but perhaps more than any other illness I’ve worked with, its validity is questioned, its affects misunderstood—even by loved ones.

When I personally went undiagnosed with Lyme disease for years, the struggles I encountered were real. I have a unique understanding of autoimmune and Lyme disease and its impact on emotional health.

Common Struggles I’ve Seen:

Isolation and being misunderstood: Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships. Difficulty maintaining a place in society because of inconsistencies in wellness

Stigma from friends or institutions: “It’s always Lyme with you” “Hypochondriac” “Lazy” “You’re just depressed” “It’s all in your head”

Fear of never getting better: Fear to even be hopeful. Fear that comes from lacking a plan or failure to see progress

Frustration from missing out on life: When someone is no longer able to do the things they used to do, or should be able to do at their stage of life—be it college, romantic relationships, building a career, being a mother or father and it can be frustrating

Trauma exacerbating Lyme symptoms: Often patients aren’t aware of existing trauma, or the connections between their trauma and Lyme

Poor Treatment: Misdiagnosis, one-dimensional or ineffective treatment